
Professor Mihaela Mihai (The University of Edinburgh)

Mihaela Mihai holds a Personal Chair in Political Theory at the University of Edinburgh. Her research interests span political theory, political science, and cultural studies focusing on issues of Critical, social, and political theory, Political emotions (including eco-emotions), and Political and cultural memory. She is the author of two monographs: Political Memory and the Aesthetics of Care. The Art of Complicity and Resistance (Stanford University Press, 2022) and Negative Emotions and Transitional Justice  (Columbia University Press, 2016). She has co-edited three volumes, including Political Violence and the Imagination: Complicity, Memory and Resistance. co-edited with Mathias Thaler, (Routledge NY, 2020).

Professor Ivan Stacy (Beijing Normal University)

Ivan Stacy is Associate Professor of English Literature in the School of Foreign Languages and Literature at Beijing Normal University, where he researches contemporary literature on complicity and issues of global literature. He is the author of The Complicit Text: Failures of Witnessing in Postwar Fiction (Lexington Books, 2021), and he is currently guest-edting a special issue of the Journal of Perpetrator Research on the theme of “Complicit Testimonies”. He has published peer-reviewed articles on postwar fiction and the carnivalesque, and on authors such as Kazuo Ishiguro, W. G. Sebald and China Miéville.